Title Registration no. Registration date
JAIDA - The AMMC registers the reference document for the financial year 2023 EN/EM/024/2024
RCI Finance Maroc - The AMMC registers the reference document for the financial year 2023 EN/EM/023/2024
EQDOM - The AMMC registers the reference document for the financial year 2023 EN/EM/022/2024
Label’Vie - The AMMC registers the reference document for the financial year 2023 EN/EM/021/2024
TGCC SA - The AMMC registers the reference document for the financial year 2023 EN/EM/020/2024
Sogelease - The AMMC registers the reference document for the financial year 2023 EN/EM/018/2024
SGMB - The AMMC registers the reference document for the financial year 2023 EN/EM/019/2024
CFG Bank - The AMMC registers the reference document for the financial year 2023 EN/EM/017/2024
BMCI - The AMMC registers the reference document for the financial year 2023 EN/EM/016/2024
OCP SA - The AMMC registers the reference document for the financial year 2023 EN/EM/015/2024
SOFAC– The AMMC registers the reference document for the financial year 2023 EN/EM/013/2024
SOFAC – The AMMC registers the note related to the finance company bills program EN/EM/014/2024
Salafin - The AMMC registers the reference document for the financial year 2023 EN/EM/012/2024
WAFABAIL – The AMMC registers the reference document for the financial year 2023 EN/EM/011/2024
Crédit du Maroc - The AMMC registers the reference document for the financial year 2023 and the first half of 2024 EN/EM/010/2024