MPSR  (Mediterranean Partnership of Securities Regulators)

On July 13th 2009, in Paris, the Regulators from both Shores of the Mediterranean Sea signed a charter establishing a partnership between them.

At its establishment, the signatories of this partnership were:

  • The AMMC (Morocco) ;
  • The Commission d’organisation de surveillance des opérations de Bourse of Algeria ;
  • The Capital Market Authority of Egypt ;
  • The Spanish Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores ;
  • The French Autorité des Marchés Financiers ;
  • The Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa, Italy ;
  • The Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários, Portugal ;
  • The Conseil du Marché Financier of Tunisia ;

The members meet at least once a year in plenary sessions where presidents or general managers are supposed to evaluate progress, establish priorities and set the roadmap for the coming year.

 MPSR objectives

Mediterranean Partnership aims to develop cooperation efforts to enhance the strength of national regulatory frameworks around the common requirements and to promote, in this way, the products safety and the of investors protection, while supporting growth and financial flows.

The Operational objectives of the partnership are as follow:

  • To set forth unified working methodologies, regulation and procedures.
  • To Converge to European and international standards 
  • To allow the development of mutual recognition agreements between the signatories.